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About: About



Hello Hello! 

Well if you're wondering where it all began, here it goes...


Like any other small town bunch of surfer friends, we're up on those clear and quiet Saturday mornings ready for the waves. We're lucky enough to call the Eastern Cape home and even luckier that we get to surf it's untouched coastline. Houses aren't seen for miles and there's not a person in sight. That's how we like it. 


Though sometimes, I think we take it for granted. But that realization is set upon us when heading 2 hours away towards Plettenberg Bay for the December holiday. It's crowded, and occasionally the waves aren't good. But we have to look at the bright side; there's waves after all.


We can all agree that surfing is a good form of exercise. But I also think we can all agree that it's way more than that. It brings us closer to nature and there is a deep appreciation for it like no other. Being in the ocean makes you appreciate the delicateness of Mother Nature, but also respect just how powerful she can be. 


It's also about leaving the modern world behind for a while, and everything else that comes with it. Time seems to fall away, and being there in nature, in that present moment is all that seems to matter at that point. We all need that balance, and we tend to find it in the waves. 


And it's also about having fun, whether you're with one other friend, a bunch of friends or even by yourself. No matter what, we're all here to have a good time. And when your tongue is finally raw, your skin and hair sticky and there's sand in places you never thought sand could reach, the only thing you should be feeling is brined...


About: About
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